Home Politics Three more mineral blocks spread across 526 Hectare land at Honda, Curpem...

Three more mineral blocks spread across 526 Hectare land at Honda, Curpem & Sulcorna and Codli to be E-auctioned in Phase III


Aug 13 – Goa govt has announced E-auction of 3 more Minerals Blocks at Honda, Curpem & Sulcorna and Codli. Last date for purchase of tender document after payment of a tender fee on website of e-auction platform provider is September 24, 2024 and the last date for submission of the bid is October 4, 2024 on or before 5 pm. Govt has already auctioned 9 mineral blocks in first 2 phases of e-auctioning.
Details of the 3 mineral blocks to be e-auctioned are as following

▪️ Onda Mineral Block-X, Sattari Taluka
Total area – 61.7325 Hectare, Mineralised Area – 13.39 Ha, Non-Mineralised Area- 48.342 Ha
Quantity of Insitu Mineral resources
Total insitu geological mineral resource of all category is 5631661 tonnes (5.632Mt) having Fines: 4205103 tonnes (57.17 Fe%) and Lumps: 1426558 tonnes (55.50 Fe%)
Quantity of estimated resource in Dumps
450000 tonnes (0.45 Mt) quantity of iron ore minerals in dump having Fines: 315000 tonnes (57.17 Fe%) and Lumps: 135000 tonnes (55.50 Fe%).
Erstwhile lessee M/s. Chowgule and Company Private Limited

▪️ Curpem & Sulcorna Mineral Block-XI in Sanguem & Quepem Talukas
Total area – 87.6469 Ha, Mineralised Area – 14.0077Ha, Non-Mineralised Area- 73.639 Ha
Quantity of Insitu Mineral resources
9793230 tonnes (9.79 Mt) with average grade of 56.17 Fe% having Fines: 73,44,922.5 tonnes (56.17 Fe%) and Lumps: 24,48,307.5 tonnes (56.17Fe%).

Quantity of estimated resource in Dumps
156728 tonnes (0.157 Mt) quantity of iron ore minerals in dump having Fines: 109710 tonnes (56.17 Fe%) and Lumps: 47018 tonnes (56.17 Fe%).

Erstwhile lessee M/s. Sesa Resources Limited (Formerly known as M/s V. S. Dempo & Co. Ltd.

▪️ Codli Mineral Block-XII at Dharbandora Taluka
Total area – 377.0881 Hectare, Mineralised Area – 33.98 Ha, Non-Mineralised Area- 343.1081 Ha
Quantity of Insitu Mineral resources
48498624 tonnes (48.498624 Mt – 36.946783 MT of hematitic ore with 45% to 66.70% Fe and 11.551841 MT of hematitic siliceous ore with +35% to -45% Fe).
Quantity of estimated resource in Dumps
2688600 tonnes (2.689 Mt) quantity of iron ore minerals in dump having Fines: 1882020 tonnes (Avg. 57.86% Fe) and Lumps: 806580 tonnes (Avg. 56.24% Fe).
Erstwhile lessee M/s. Vedanta Limited and M/s. Sociedade Timblo Irmaos Ltd