Home Crime Two Telangana men booked for culpable homicide in accidental death of two...

Two Telangana men booked for culpable homicide in accidental death of two cousins at Arambol


Digital Goa, Feb 18 – Two Telangana residents have been booked under culpable homicide in the fatal accident that killed two youngsters at Arambol. 24-years-olds Naresh Ganthula and Mandi Rajshekhar both residents of Karimnagar-Telangana have been booked under section are 279, 338,304(A), 304 IPC and 134(a) (b) MV Act. Their negligent act of opening the door of rented car in the middle of the road led to the death of two young men on two-wheeler. They fell on the road and were run over by a truck. The truck driver has also been detained.