Goa Foundation warns to move court if govt restarts mining without fulfilling 39 mining conditions


    Digital Goa, Dec 11- Goa Foundation has warned the State Mines Dept that any attempt to resume mining without fulfilling the 39 conditions govt had promised to adhere to, will be challenged before the Court. The Goa Foundation in its letter dated Dec 4 has outlined the 39 specific conditions that would have to be met by the department prior to restart of mining in the state. These include among others, bringing the culprits of illegal mining to books through thorough investigation, creating 435 posts in the Mines Department, development of mining corridors for movement of ore using 60 % mining royalty, removal of mining silt deposited in agricultural lands, updation of mining and mineral operations information on websites etc. These conditions, the Foundation has pointed out, were in the form of commitments on oath made by the Goa government in its affidavit before Supreme Court. The foundation further adds that there are few signs that any of these 39 commitments are in place.
    Goa Foundation Letter https://digitalgoa.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/goafoundationletter.pdf