Application invited for PG Degree and Diploma courses at GMC; 41 % seats reserved...
Digital Goa, Aug 1 - Government of Goa today issued advertisement for admission to 50 % state quota post graduate degrees and diploma seats...
Govt appointed committee to check feasibility of setting up third district: CM
Aug 2 - Goa govt is considering setting up third district comprising of remote talukas of Canacona, Sanguem, Quepem and Dharbandora, CM Sawant informed...
Section 163 of BNSS imposed around assembly complex on Feb 6 & 7 view...
Jan 31- Prohibitory orders have been imposed in view of the two day assembly session on Feb 6 and 7, within the radius of...
19-year-old from Merces dies due to drowning at Keri, Sattari
Digital Goa, March 27- The teenager who died due to drowning in the Valvanti river at Keri, Sattari is identified as Amoth Panchange from...
Woman killed in hit-and-run accident at Bambolim
Digital Goa, March 27- A 21-year-old woman died in a hit-and-run accident near Athletic Stadium, Bambolim, after a rashly driven truck collided with a...
Goa police directed to avoid public performances while in uniform
Panaji, March 27: The Goa Police have been instructed to avoid public stage and street performances while in uniform to uphold the decorum of...
3-4 women detected with lumps at every cancer screening camp: CM
Digital Goa, Nov 8 – At every breast cancer screening camp in Goa at least 3 to 4 ladies are detected with lumps, said...
Govt to move motion for full day discussion on Mhadei on last day of...
Digital Goa, Jan 9 – Goa Govt will move a motion for discussion on Mhadei issue in Goa Legislative Assembly session, assured CM Pramod...
6 years on NIO yet to submit report on ancient Gopakapattanam Port site at...
July 29 - Goa govt will write to NIO regarding the exploration and excavation report of the ancient Gopakapattanam Port site at Goa Velha....
Selaulim dam fills up, overflows from crest
Digital Goa, July 20 - The spectacular Selaulim dam began to overflow from its crest through its unique duckbill spillway at 8.12 am today...
Goa gears to prepare State Action Plan for air quality Management
Nov 1- Goa govt has constituted a 5 member State Steering Committee for Air Quality Monitoring for Goa (GOA-SSC), a13 member State Air Quality...