Home Uncategorized BULLETIN III for May 8,2024

BULLETIN III for May 8,2024


🔸    Education dept asks schools to ensure growth of sapling planted during polls

May 8 – Survivability audit of fruit bearing and medicinal tree sapling planted by polling officers as part of green initiative of CEO Goa will be conducted periodically to monitor their growth, informed Education Director Shailesh Zingade. Directorate of Education has issued a circular to schools to assign school teachers the task of  ensuring that sapling are watered regularly and taken adequate care of.

🔸    Will win both Lok Sabha seats says INDI Alliance

May 8 – INDI Alliance today asserted that the voting percentage was as per their expectations and that their candidates Captain Viriato Fernandes and Adv Ramakant Khalap will win both the Lok Sabha seats in Goa. The alliance claimed that voting percentage increase of 7 % in mining belt of South Goa, 12 % in Salcete and reduction by 5 % in Shiroda and Marcaim as compared to 2019 polls are  an indication that the voting was in favour of Congress.

🔸    Man inflicts injuries on himself with glass bottle outside Margao Police Station

May 8 – A person inflicted injuries on himself with a broken glass bottle outside Margao police station today. He was shifted to the hospital by the police. His identity has not yet been revealed by the police.