Panaji to get Multisensory Play park with Accessible Community Space soon


    Digital Goa, Nov 21 – Corporation of the City of Panaji(CCP) has initiated the process to develop a Multisensory inclusive and accessible Play Park at Shade Garden, Panaji. CCP has invited RFP (Request for Proposal) for the work of Providing Universal Design and Access Consultancy Services for “Preparation of Detailed Project Report for Development of Multisensory Play Park at Shade Garden, Panaji”. The consultancy bid is valued at Rs 1.5 crore and the DPR has to be submitted within 60 days time. Through its multisensory design and interactive play elements, the park is expected to cater to the varied developmental needs of all children irrespective of their physical, sensory or cognitive differences through play as the principal activity . Additionally, the park has to offer an Accessible Community Space in the surrounding neighborhood where youth with disability can showcase their talent and abilities for the world to see. The Park is also expected to have innovative technological solutions such as an information kiosk, google app, and augmented reality app in the future, that can be leveraged to ensure enhanced community engagement and inclusion of people with disabilities.