Tribal Research Institute to aid the govt in development of Tribes of Goa


    Digital Goa, Jan 6 –  Goa govt has established Tribal Research Institute to carry out fundamental and applied research works on socio economic condition, language, life, culture & heritage of the tribes of Goa. Memorandum of Association, Rules & Regulations for the Tribal Research Institute, Goa have been notified by the state govt. Headquartered in Panaji, the institute will also be responsible for guiding different Government agencies, NGO’s etc. in formulation of planning and decision making related to the development of the Tribes of Goa. It will also assist  research scholars in conducting research works related to the tribes of Goa, promote tribal culture, assist in evaluation work on development schemes for tribals, organize fairs and festivals of different tribes, organize State and National Level Seminar on Tribal life, publish books related to socioeconomic condition, tradition, life & culture of the tribes, carry out research and documentation etc.