Home News GMC goes green with Prospectus for PG Courses; Skips print version

GMC goes green with Prospectus for PG Courses; Skips print version


Digital Goa, Feb 27 – Goa Medical College has announced that the prospectus containing forms and information on admission procedures and Entrance Test (ET) for admission to its PG Courses will not be sold in print form but will only be made available online only. Applicants for admissions to First Year Post Graduate Degree Courses in Allied Health Sciences (Master of Physiotherapy (MPT), Master of Occupational Therapy (MOT), Master of Science in Echocardiography (M.Sc. Echocardiography)) in Goa Medical College for the Academic Year 2023-24, have been informed that the Common Prospectus containing information on admission procedures and Entrance Test (ET), together with application form will be released on Government of Goa website https://www.goa.gov.in & Goa Medical College Website https://gmcgoa.edu.in/. “Print copy of common prospectus shall NOT be made available on sale by this Institute,” states the public notice. Applicants have been asked to download, print and submit the application form, as well as other relevant admission forms, on specified dates, with copies of specified documents at Academic Section, Office of the Dean, Goa Medical College as per schedule mentioned in the prospectus. Applicants have been advised to pay prospectus/application form fees of Rs.1000 through online payment mode and submit receipt of payment along with application form.