Home News Govt to empanel Third Party Aggregators to boost apprentice figures

Govt to empanel Third Party Aggregators to boost apprentice figures


Digital Goa, Aug 30 – With lukewarm response from job seekers to the recently launched apprenticeship scheme, the State Govt has now decided to rope in Third Party Aggregator (TPAs) to mobilise and counsel aspiring apprentices. Directorate of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship has invited Expression of Interest for empanelment from organisations and institutions as Third Party Aggregators(TPA) for Implementation of National Apprenticeship Promotion (NAPS) Scheme. TPAs are expected to bridge the gap between demand of establishments for apprentices and the candidates aspiring to undergo apprenticeship programme. They are also expected to play a key role towards mobilizing and counseling aspiring apprentices, meeting prescribed curriculum requirements and course design, processing claims and returns on behalf of establishments, facilitate in conducting assessments and issuing certifications, among other key roles. TPA are expected to generate a minimum of 100contracts TPA has to also offer placement assistance to at least 40%of the apprentices upon completion of the apprenticeship training.
EOI https://www.goa.gov.in/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/EOI-DSDE.pdf