Hospital maintenance contract: High Court directs Health dept to consider bidder whose bid is half of other 2 bidders


    Digital Goa, Jan 22- High Court today set aside the decision of Health Dept to reject the technical bid of Mahalsa Services for tender for environmental Support Services (up keeping) and operations and maintenance at various hospitals, health centres and offices of health institutions across Goa. The technical bid was rejected on the grounds that the petitioner does not allegedly fulfill qualifying criteria of Rs 10 crore single work order in 7 years. The High Court accepted the contention of the petition that the department should consider the work order of Rs 7.50 crore issued in 2017 and its extension in 2020 for Rs 7.97 crore as one order. “Petitioner is ultimately adjudged as fulfilling qualifying criteria, then his financial bid must be considered along with the financial bids submitted by the third and fourth Respondents”, Court ruled. Incidentally, Mahalsa Services has offered a bid of Rs 47.03 crore as against the Rs 93.7 crore and Rs 104.81 crore offered by two other bidders, whose financial bids were opened by the dept.