Home News Planned Power shutdown in most parts of South Goa on March 17...

Planned Power shutdown in most parts of South Goa on March 17 from 7 am to 1 pm


Digital Goa, Mar 9 – Power shutdown has been announced in South Goa from 7 am to 1 pm on Sunday, March 17 for maintenance work. Areas affected would be entire talukas of Canacona, Sanguem, Quepem and parts of Dharbandora Taluka i.e V.P Kirlapal-Dabal, Shigao-Collem, Mollem and part of Ponda taluka i.e V.P Panchwadi, parts of Salcete except Raia, Curtorim, Loutolim, Macazana and Verna, Majorda and Mormugao Taluka. Electricity Department has planned Shutdown for maintenance of EHV sub-stations in South Goa at 220/110/33/11KV Xeldem substation, 220/33KV Cuncolim sub station and 220KV incoming lines and 220KV,110KV & 33KV intrastate lines.