Processing fee & change of zone charges for ‘corrections’ in Regional Plan notified by govt


    Digital Goa, Mar 16 – Goa govt has notified processing fees and change of zone fees for correcting inadvertent errors, and inconsistent and incoherent zoning proposals in the Regional Plan.

    ▪️   If the area of land in respect of which the correction is proposed in upto 500 sqr mtr the application processing fee is Rs 5,000, there is no additional fee for change of zone to settlement zone or sub-zone settlement(commercial), for change of zone of land to industrial zone the charges are Rs 100 per sqr mtr and for change of zone to institutional or any other zone the charges are Rs 50 per sqr mtr.

    ▪️  For land between 501 sqr mtr to 1,000 sqr mtr, charges are Rs 7,500, Rs 50, Rs 150 and Rs 50 respectively

    ▪️  For land between 1001 sqr mtr to 2,000 sqr mtr, charges are Rs 10,000, Rs 75, Rs 150 and Rs 50 respectively

    ▪️  For land between 2001 sqr mtr to 5,000 sqr mtr, charges are Rs 15,000, Rs 100, Rs 150 and Rs 50 respectively

    ▪️  For land between 5001 sqr mtr to 10,000 sqr mtr, charges are Rs 20,000, Rs 125, Rs 200 and Rs 100 respectively

    ▪️  For land between 10,001 sqr mtr to 20,000 sqr mtr, charges are Rs 30,000, Rs 150, Rs 300 and Rs 100 respectively

    ▪️  For land above 20,000 sqr mtr charges are Rs 50,000, Rs 200, Rs 400 and Rs 150 respectively

    Goa (Town and Country Planning alteration/modification in Regional Plan for rectification of inadvertent errors and correction of inconsistent/ incoherent zoning proposals) Rules, 2023 have also been notified today.

    Goa govt has also notified the Goa (Regulation of Land Development and Building Construction) Relaxation Rules, 2023  for implementing government policies, including land development for inclusive and affordable housing for economically weaker sections (EWS).
