58-year-old Benaulim man arrested for operating slaughter house sans permissions


    Digital Goa, June 29 – A 58-year-old person from Benaulim was arrested for allegedly operating a slaughter house without permission from the competent authority. Acting on complaint of one Pankaj Sharma of Dhyan Foundation Gaushala at Zambaulim, police arrested onJose Agnelo Barretto from Mazilwaddo, Benaulim. From the spot five Ox, 4 cows and one calf were rescued, informed police. The accused in placed under Police Custody and offences vide Colva PS Cr No.51/2023 U/s 429 IPC, Sec 11(1) of Cruelty to Animals Act 1960 and Sec 4, 5, 7,9,10,15 R/w 8 of Goa Animal preservation Act 1995 & Sec 3 R/w 8(1) of Prevention of Cow slaughter Act 1978 have been registered against him.